How to Update Computer Drivers?
A basic way to summarize how a computer works is to claim that they come to life from the interaction between your hardware and your software. By hardware we must understand the range of parts -physical – that make up it. While the software refers to the computer program responsible for processing information and data for the hardware to function properly. For this reason, it is extremely important to know how to update drivers from a computer.
In Spanish, drivers are known as drivers. Most components (hardware) have a driver specifically recommended by their manufacturer for proper operation. Ignore these recommendations and, worse; the installation of the basic drivers of any computer, would imply a decrease in the overall performance of the same.
To make it clearer, if we install a graphics card on a computer; It is important to search, download and keep up-to-date the driver needed for the operating system to “communicate” properly with it. However, if instead of using generic drivers for graphics cards; we use the drivers recommended by the manufacturers of them, then we can use them to their full potential.
Automatic methods for updating computer drivers
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The main thing is to know that there are at least two manual update methods and two automatic update methods. The automatic methods to update drivers of a computer are the first ones that we will evaluate.
Windows Update automatic updates
By default; Windows Update is configured to update everything you need in the operating system. These updates include hardware drivers for each component you have or go including on your computer. This way, you only need to listen to each update notice that Windows send you, so that the drivers are always at their most current version.
Automatic updates to specialized programs
However, you can opt for an alternative update program. That is, a separate Windows program. At we really like to use and recommend Driver Booster, which unlike Windows Update; it does not handle updates for the operating system in general but specifically for hardware drivers. Driver Booster 5 scans every component of your computer and works in the background to detect the release of its new updates.
Important note
No matter which manager you use, both Windows Update and Driver Booster identify the manufacturer of each component on a computer. Thus, they search the official website of the same to detect, install and update the specially recommended drivers.
Manual methods for updating computer drivers
Since we’ve been talking about Driver Booster, let’s get on with it. The free version of this program constantly checks for updates automatically, but does not download or install them by itself. Conversely, when we open Driver Booster this limits us to update the drivers one at a time.
Manual updates with specialized programs
To update drivers manually with Driver Booster,the first thing to do is to open it. Then click Scan to start a manual search for possible updates. Next, a list will appear with drivers that have a new version available. To finish, click on each Update button and wait for one installation to finish before you can proceed with the next one.
This is how virtually all programs of this type work, which are usually much more accurate and complete than Windows Update. Since the latter focuses more on upgrading to the operating system in general.
Manual updates without programs
However, there is a method to update drivers manually and without the needfor any program. The process involves a more accurate and “direct” search, download and installation of the drivers. As a result, completing the task takes more time and attention. But if you don’t have time limitations, it’s a good idea to do it this way:
- Follow the path: Hardware control
> and Sound >
Device Manager
(a subcategory under Devices and Printers). - A new window will open showing all the drivers that control your PC’s hardware. Each component has a drop-down menu of subcategories where each of the drivers is displayed.
- To update one: Right-click on your name > Update driver > Search for automatically updated driver software > Wait for the process to finish before you can continue with another controller.
- It may be necessary to restart the PC to apply the changes.
Important note
Updating drivers isn’t just a matter of functionality. It is clear that from time to time there are advances in making a PC’s software integrate more and more optimized to the PC’s hardware. However, another of the main reasons why it is important to keep drivers constantly updated; it is because developers must adapt the computers to the new threats that are looking every day for ways to penetrate the security of operating systems.