How to Update WhatsApp Messenger App to Latest Version?
WhatsApp Messenger has become the most famous instant messaging app of recent years, so it is very important to have the latest update of this fabulous application to have the new improvements and new features it offers.
In addition each update of the WhatsApp Messenger App provides new security and privacy measures in the version that we have installed on our mobile device, that is why you should be aware that every time a new update of this App comes out update on your mobile with Android, iPhone and Windows Phone,if you don’t know how to do it here we show you what you have to do.
How to Update WhatsApp Messenger App on Android?
To download the latest WhatsApp Messenger update for your Android mobile device, simply follow these two options below:
Option 1, Automatically:
What we have to do first is to access the WhatsApp Messenger App and if there is any new version available it will tell us automatically with the following message “There is a new version of WhatsApp available, do you want to install now?”of wanting to perform the update at that time we just need to press on “OK”, follow the steps provided and ready we will be installing the latest version of WhatsApp Messenger.
Option 2, directly:
To do it this way we just have to go into the store Google Play Store,in the search engine we write “WhatsApp Messenger” and entered in the description of the App where it will show us two buttons that say “Uninstall” and “Open”, here tells us that there are no updates available, but if the button on the right instead of open tells us “Update” we will have a new version available, we just have to press on “Update” and accept the conditions, once done that will start downloading the new WhatsApp Messenger update.
Note:To know which version of WhatsApp Messenger we have installed on our Android mobile device we enter the App, then under “Settings” —
How to Update WhatsApp Messenger App for iPhone?
To have the latest version of WhatsApp Messenger on our iPhone we can choose two simple options, here we show you what are:
Option 1, AutoWay:
Just like on Android, the WhatsApp App for iPhone will let us know if we have a new update available, with the following message “There’s a new version available, Install Now?” to start with the update we press on “OK” and will start downloading and installing the new update for our iPhone mobile.
Option 2, Direct Way:
We should check if the WhatsApp App has a new update available for iPhone just by accessing the Apple Store,if there is one, we would see a button that says “Update” otherwise this button will say “Open”. If we want to update at that time we just tap on “Update” and we accept each next step to start with the App update.
How to Update WhatsApp Messenger App for Windows Phone?
If you have a windows phone,we will show you two possible simple options to update the WhatsApp Messenger App:
Option 1, AutoWay:
Usually the WhatsApp Messenger App when you enter it will automatically notify us if a new version is available with the following message “There is a new version of WhatsApp available, do you want to install now?” agreeing with that renewal we put pressure on “OK” and will automatically start the download and installation step by step.
Option 2, Direct Way:
For this way we have to enter the Microsoft store where we can perform the update ourselves, we just press on “More” within the Microsoft Store Store,a menu will be displayed and we enter where it says “Settings” once there we give you to check for updates and have a new version of WhatsApp available just tap on Update and it will be done without any problem.
Note: In some cases installing WhatsApp Messenger from the Microsoft Store may present some problem, if this happens to you it is advisable to contact Microsoft support directly to solve the problem.