Anime X Wallpaper

Anime X Wallpaper is created specifically for those who love anime. We have an amazing and creative selection of anime wallpapers and backgrounds. Each wallpaper is unique in its own way, so you'll find something special every time you browse through our collection.
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4.5/5 Votos: 88,185
BackWings Studio
Jun 24, 2017
Nov 9, 2023
5.07 MB
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Anime X Wallpaper is created specifically for those who love anime. We have an amazing and creative selection of anime wallpapers and backgrounds. Each wallpaper is unique in its own way, so you'll find something special every time you browse through our collection.

With over 1 million wallpapers at your fingertips and new wallpapers added daily, you'll never run out of options to choose from. Our vast collection includes 700+ anime categories and a character list of 1000+, giving you access to an incredible range of anime wallpapers for your device.


➡ We have a vast collection of stunning, high-quality HD and 4k anime wallpapers that are sure to impress.
➡ We offer more than 750 categories and 1000+ characters to choose from, giving you plenty of options to find your favourite anime wallpapers.
➡ Every day, we add new, high-quality anime wallpapers to keep our collection fresh and up-to-date.
➡ Our categories are well-organized, and we add new categories over time, making it easy for you to find what you're looking for.
➡ Our beautiful layout features a material dark theme, providing a visually stunning experience.
➡ Each anime wallpaper in our collection is in HD or 4k quality, ensuring that your device looks amazing.
➡ We offer a wide range of anime wallpapers across separate categories, giving you endless options to explore and enjoy.
Best of all, our app is completely free and always will be!

Please note that all pictures featured in this app are either sourced from public websites or licensed under Creative Commons.


************** v4.6.1 ****************
1. Added a massive collection of mobile wallpapers
2. Improved Home Screen
3. Fixed Crashes


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